Awesome Features

Post a job or receive job offers using Jaba App categories include: Errands, Labor, Handyman, Rides, etc.

  • Post Errands / Jobs

    Post any job/ errand related to the categories listed in Japa App.

  • Realtime Bids

    Receive real-time bids from users after posting a job/ errand request.

  • Realtime Chat

    Chat with job posters or bidders in real-time to ask questions within app.

  • Phone Registration

    Register your account using your mobile phone number no email needed.

  • Job Notification

    Get notifications of jobs posted within a 20 miles radius of your location.

  • User Verification

    Verified accounts are accounts were admin has verified user legal Identity.

Earn More With Japa App

Looking to maximize your earnings in the gig economy? Look no further than Japa, the game-changing ride-share and task service platform that puts more money in your pocket.

Job/ Errand Categories

Below are the job/ errand categories users can post jobs/ bid on any job can be posted as long as it relates to the category.

  • Errands: Any task/ job that require someone to go somewhere.
  • Labor: Any task/ job that require physical labor.
  • Landscape: Any task/ job related to landscaping.
  • Handyman: Any task/ job related to fixing household things.
  • Housekeeping: Any task/ job related to housekeeping.
  • Transportation: Any task/ job related to transportation.
  • Beauty: Any task/ job related to beauty/salon services.
  • Spa: Any task/ job related to spa type services.
  • Automotive Repair: Any task/ job related to car repair.
  • Pets: Any task/ job related to pet services.
Japa phone screen logo

App Screenshots

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes Japa App is safe to use, we recommend only working with verified accounts (when posting a job click on verified accounts only) verified accounts are accounts that the admin has verified the users legal identification.

Japa App is a platform where users can post task/errands/ jobs they need completed and other users would place price bids on how much they will complete the task/errand/job posted.

That all depends on the individual, and how much service providing categories the individual has selected.

You can post any job/ task as long as it is legal and can be assigned to a listed category.

Japa App is a platform for users to connect with other users. So the job poster and service provider arrange pricing and payment method no payments are made in Japa App therefore Japa App charges no service or commission fees.

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